Christ is Risen!

It is a gift of God to be able to celebrate Christ’s Resurrection. This is the first time in years that I can celebrate the feast with a community of believers. Last year… COVID had us doing online services while Fr. J traveled to homes to provide the sacraments. We were hurting to not be [...]

Theosis comes

Was thinking as we are preparing for the Tridiuum that this Holy Week has been especially eye opening. Normally I am trying to ‘help’ keep things going and this year I just don’t WANT to. I’m helping in some stuff, but maybe it is growth that I do NOT want to help? I have backed [...]

Why does God allow Suffering?

Was reading in my newsfeed (on a friend’s page) about someone talking about their struggle with believing God loves us. He mentioned that a parent who allowed their children to rape and kill one another (for example) would be considered negligent. We think God is not just. It’s been rattling in my head ever since [...]


Recently, a quote from St. John of Kronstadt really resonated with me “A strange illness has appeared in our days – the passion for distractions. Never before was there such a desire for distractions; people have forgotten how to lead a serious life for the good of others; they have no spiritual life and are [...]